Hosting Services

Low-cost Hosting Packages

The shared web hosting deliverers indeed contrast with each other. Regardless of having been in the web site hosting marketplace for a long time, not many hosting account wholesalers offer numerous server farm location choices for their dear customers. Despite its small dimensions, 'iClick and Host - Reliable webhosting at lowest prices' offers FOUR exciting server farm facility locations: the USA, England, Sweden and Australia. You can order domain-only user accounts or shared web hosting accounts in any of the cited datacenter facilities. The more powerful semi-dedicated hosting and dedicated server hosting are available exclusively in the American data center facility.

Hosting Features Hosting Semi-Dedicated Dedicated Servers
Monthly Charge
Web Server Space Unlimited Unlimited 240 GB
Server Bandwidth Unlimited Unlimited 10 TB
Server CPU Limit 5% 100% 100%
Server RAM N/A N/A 16 GB
MySQL v.5 DBs 5 Unlimited Unlimited
Hosted Site Names 1 Unlimited Unlimited
FTP Users Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
eMmails 100 Unlimited Unlimited
Full Root Access
Shell Access (SSH) Optional
Single-click Script Installation Tool 2
Hepsia Control Panel
cPanel Control Panel

Server CPU Limit 1 - The CPU resource usage is determined by the concrete private virtual server web hosting package.

Single-click Script Installation Tool 2 - Supplied exclusively by the Hepsia web hosting CP.